HomeiOS Developmentios - Flutter Speech Recognizer block UI thread

ios – Flutter Speech Recognizer block UI thread

I am working the speech_to_text Flutter library on iOS and I am going through this difficulty whereby I’ve a easy webGL rendering utilizing an InAppWebview. However the second I faucet on begin listening from the speech recognizer, I can see the webGL dice pauses for a second after which continues to spin. I believe the speech recognizer is being triggered on the UI thread inflicting the WebGL renderer to pause a bit. I attempted utilizing async await and Futures just like the code under. However does not appear to repair the problem. I haven’t got any points with Android. Is that this a Flutter interop bug or one thing else?

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';

import 'bundle:flutter/materials.dart';
import 'bundle:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_error.dart';
import 'bundle:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_result.dart';
import 'bundle:speech_to_text/speech_to_text.dart';
import 'bundle:flutter_inappwebview/flutter_inappwebview.dart';

void important() => runApp(SpeechSampleApp());

class SpeechSampleApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _SpeechSampleAppState createState() => _SpeechSampleAppState();

/// An instance that demonstrates the essential performance of the
/// SpeechToText plugin for utilizing the speech recognition functionality
/// of the underlying platform.
class _SpeechSampleAppState extends State<SpeechSampleApp> {
  bool _hasSpeech = false;
  bool _logEvents = false;
  bool _onDevice = false;
  last TextEditingController _pauseForController =
  TextEditingController(textual content: '3');
  last TextEditingController _listenForController =
  TextEditingController(textual content: '30');
  double stage = 0.0;
  double minSoundLevel = 50000;
  double maxSoundLevel = -50000;
  String lastWords="";
  String lastError="";
  String lastStatus="";
  String _currentLocaleId = '';
  Listing<LocaleName> _localeNames = [];
  last SpeechToText speech = SpeechToText();

  last GlobalKey webViewKey = GlobalKey();
  InAppWebViewController? webViewController;
  InAppWebViewGroupOptions choices = InAppWebViewGroupOptions(
      crossPlatform: InAppWebViewOptions(
        mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture: false,
        javaScriptEnabled: true,
        javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically: true,
      android: AndroidInAppWebViewOptions(
          useHybridComposition: true
      ios: IOSInAppWebViewOptions(
        allowsInlineMediaPlayback: true,

  void initState() {

  /// This initializes SpeechToText. That solely must be performed
  /// as soon as per software, although calling it once more is innocent
  /// it additionally does nothing. The UX of the pattern app ensures that
  /// it may solely be referred to as as soon as.
  Future<void> initSpeechState() async {
    strive {
      var hasSpeech = await speech.initialize(
        onError: errorListener,
        onStatus: statusListener,
        debugLogging: _logEvents,
      if (hasSpeech) {
        // Get the listing of languages put in on the supporting platform in order that they
        // will be displayed within the UI for choice by the person.
        _localeNames = await speech.locales();

        var systemLocale = await speech.systemLocale();
        _currentLocaleId = systemLocale?.localeId ?? '';
      if (!mounted) return;

      setState(() {
        _hasSpeech = hasSpeech;
    } catch (e) {
      setState(() {
        lastError="Speech recognition failed: ${e.toString()}";
        _hasSpeech = false;

  Widget construct(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      residence: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Textual content('Speech to Textual content Instance'),
        physique: Column(kids: [
            child: Column(
              children: <Widget>[
                InitSpeechWidget(_hasSpeech, initSpeechState),
                SpeechControlWidget(_hasSpeech, speech.isListening,
                    startListening, stopListening, cancelListening),
            flex: 1,
            little one: RecognitionResultsWidget(lastWords: lastWords, stage: stage),
            flex: 3,
            little one: InAppWebView(
              key: webViewKey,
              initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(
                url: Uri.parse('https://get.webgl.org/')),
              initialOptions: choices,
              onWebViewCreated: (controller) {
                webViewController = controller;
              androidOnPermissionRequest: (InAppWebViewController controller, String origin, Listing<String> assets) async {
                return PermissionRequestResponse(assets: assets, motion: PermissionRequestResponseAction.GRANT);
              onLoadStart: (controller, url) {
                print("onLoadStart $url");

              onLoadStop: (controller, url) async {
                print("onLoadStop $url");
              onConsoleMessage: (controller, consoleMessage) {
                print("onConsoleMessage $consoleMessage");
          SpeechStatusWidget(speech: speech),

  // That is referred to as every time the customers desires to begin a brand new speech
  // recognition session
  void startListening() {
    _logEvent('begin listening');
    last pauseFor = int.tryParse(_pauseForController.textual content);
    last listenFor = int.tryParse(_listenForController.textual content);
    // Observe that `listenFor` is the utmost, not the minimun, on some
    // techniques recognition can be stopped earlier than this worth is reached.
    // Equally `pauseFor` is a most not a minimal and could also be ignored
    // on some units.
    speech.pay attention(
      onResult: resultListener,
      listenFor: Period(seconds: listenFor ?? 30),
      pauseFor: Period(seconds: pauseFor ?? 3),
      partialResults: true,
      localeId: _currentLocaleId,
      onSoundLevelChange: soundLevelListener,
      cancelOnError: true,
      listenMode: ListenMode.affirmation,
      onDevice: _onDevice,
    setState(() {});

  void stopListening() {
    setState(() {
      stage = 0.0;

  void cancelListening() {
    setState(() {
      stage = 0.0;

  /// This callback is invoked every time new recognition outcomes are
  /// out there after `pay attention` is named.
  void resultListener(SpeechRecognitionResult end result) {
        'End result listener last: ${end result.finalResult}, phrases: ${end result.recognizedWords}');
    setState(() {
      lastWords="${end result.recognizedWords} - ${end result.finalResult}";

  void soundLevelListener(double stage) {
    minSoundLevel = min(minSoundLevel, stage);
    maxSoundLevel = max(maxSoundLevel, stage);
    // _logEvent('sound stage $stage: $minSoundLevel - $maxSoundLevel ');
    setState(() {
      this.stage = stage;

  void errorListener(SpeechRecognitionError error) {
        'Obtained error standing: $error, listening: ${speech.isListening}');
    setState(() {
      lastError="${error.errorMsg} - ${error.everlasting}";

  void statusListener(String standing) {
        'Obtained listener standing: $standing, listening: ${speech.isListening}');
    setState(() {

  void _switchLang(selectedVal) {
    setState(() {
      _currentLocaleId = selectedVal;

  void _logEvent(String eventDescription) {
    if (_logEvents) {
      var eventTime = DateTime.now().toIso8601String();
      print('$eventTime $eventDescription');

  void _switchLogging(bool? val) {
    setState(() {
      _logEvents = val ?? false;

  void _switchOnDevice(bool? val) {
    setState(() {
      _onDevice = val ?? false;

/// Shows essentially the most just lately acknowledged phrases and the sound stage.
class RecognitionResultsWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const RecognitionResultsWidget({
    Key? key,
    required this.lastWords,
    required this.stage,
  }) : tremendous(key: key);

  last String lastWords;
  last double stage;

  Widget construct(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      kids: <Widget>[
          child: Text(
            'Recognized Words',
            style: TextStyle(fontSize: 22.0),
          child: Stack(
            children: <Widget>[
                color: Theme.of(context).selectedRowColor,
                child: Center(
                  child: Text(
                    textAlign: TextAlign.center,
                bottom: 10,
                child: Align(
                  alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
                  child: Container(
                    width: 40,
                    height: 40,
                    alignment: Alignment.center,
                    decoration: BoxDecoration(
                      boxShadow: [
                            blurRadius: .26,
                            spreadRadius: level * 1.5,
                            color: Colors.black.withOpacity(.05))
                      shade: Colours.white,
                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.round(50)),
                    little one: IconButton(
                      icon: Icon(Icons.mic),
                      onPressed: () => null,

class HeaderWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const HeaderWidget({
    Key? key,
  }) : tremendous(key: key);

  Widget construct(BuildContext context) {
    return Heart(
      little one: Textual content(
        'Speech recognition out there',
        model: TextStyle(fontSize: 22.0),

/// Show the present error standing from the speech
/// recognizer
class ErrorWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const ErrorWidget({
    Key? key,
    required this.lastError,
  }) : tremendous(key: key);

  last String lastError;

  Widget construct(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      kids: <Widget>[
          child: Text(
            'Error Status',
            style: TextStyle(fontSize: 22.0),
          child: Text(lastError),

/// Controls to begin and cease speech recognition
class SpeechControlWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const SpeechControlWidget(this.hasSpeech, this.isListening,
      this.startListening, this.stopListening, this.cancelListening,
      {Key? key})
      : tremendous(key: key);

  last bool hasSpeech;
  last bool isListening;
  last void Operate() startListening;
  last void Operate() stopListening;
  last void Operate() cancelListening;

  Widget construct(BuildContext context)  isListening ? null : startListening,
          child: Text('Start'),
          onPressed: isListening ? stopListening : null,
          child: Text('Stop'),
          onPressed: isListening ? cancelListening : null,
          child: Text('Cancel'),

class SessionOptionsWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const SessionOptionsWidget(
      {Key? key})
      : tremendous(key: key);

  last String currentLocaleId;
  last void Operate(String?) switchLang;
  last void Operate(bool?) switchLogging;
  last void Operate(bool?) switchOnDevice;
  last TextEditingController pauseForController;
  last TextEditingController listenForController;
  last Listing<LocaleName> localeNames;
  last bool logEvents;
  last bool onDevice;

  Widget construct(BuildContext context) {
    return Padding(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
      little one: Column(
        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
        kids: <Widget>[
            children: [
              Text('Language: '),
                onChanged: (selectedVal) => switchLang(selectedVal),
                value: currentLocaleId,
                items: localeNames
                      (localeName) => DropdownMenuItem(
                    value: localeName.localeId,
                    child: Text(localeName.name),
            kids: [
              Text('pauseFor: '),
                  padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 8),
                  width: 80,
                  child: TextFormField(
                    controller: pauseForController,
                  padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 16),
                  child: Text('listenFor: ')),
                  padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 8),
                  width: 80,
                  child: TextFormField(
                    controller: listenForController,
            kids: [
              Text('On device: '),
                value: onDevice,
                onChanged: switchOnDevice,
              Text('Log events: '),
                value: logEvents,
                onChanged: switchLogging,

class InitSpeechWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const InitSpeechWidget(this.hasSpeech, this.initSpeechState, {Key? key})
      : tremendous(key: key);

  last bool hasSpeech;
  last Future<void> Operate() initSpeechState;

  Widget construct(BuildContext context) {
    return Row(
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
      kids: <Widget>[
          onPressed: hasSpeech ? null : initSpeechState,
          child: Text('Initialize'),

/// Show the present standing of the listener
class SpeechStatusWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const SpeechStatusWidget({
    Key? key,
    required this.speech,
  }) : tremendous(key: key);

  last SpeechToText speech;

  Widget construct(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 20),
      shade: Theme.of(context).backgroundColor,
      little one: Heart(
        little one: speech.isListening
            ? Textual content(
          "I am listening...",
          model: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.daring),
            : Textual content(
          'Not listening',
          model: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.daring),



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