Morning, I’ve an issue that I can not determine. I’ve a DEV.xcconfig which has the important thing APP_NAME which is the worth product title, and product title is the worth of product module title with a modifier. I’ve a mission configuration known as Debug (DEV) which have the “DEV.xcconfig” associated to it and in my scheme take a look at are configured to make use of Debug (DEV) to run. The issue is that after I construct the take a look at module and mockingbird generates mocks, the file who’s generated is importing an empty title of Product Module Title. What can I do?
That is the take a look at goal construct phases.
That is the command of the Mockinbird generator construct section.
That is the output of the construct section after I construct take a look at goal.
And that is the results of the generated file.
Because of all.
I attempted setting my Debug (DEV) configuration Product Module Title hardcoded with the anticipated title, however this does not helped to me. I discovered that if I hardcode the Debug (PROD) to the identical title the construct section works as anticipated however is just not an answer.