HomeiOS Developmentios - Including a number of subpaths in CGMutablePath utilizing withTaskGroup would...

ios – Including a number of subpaths in CGMutablePath utilizing withTaskGroup would not work

I am creating a number of subpaths in an CGMutablePath object for use by CAShapeLayer.

What works:

  1. Creating a number of subpaths sequentially.
  2. Making a single subpath utilizing withTaskGroup.

What would not work:

Creating a number of subpaths utilizing withTaskGroup.

struct MyObject {
    var body: CGRect

let path = CGMutablePath()
path.addRect(CGRect(origin: .zero, dimension: UIScreen.predominant.bounds.dimension))

let outcome = await withTaskGroup(of: MyObject.self,
                                 returning: [MyObject].self) {
    @MainActor [weak self] (taskGroup: inout TaskGroup<MyObject>) async -> [MyObject] in
    var outcome = [MyObject]()
    for merchandise in objects {
        taskGroup.addTask { @MainActor in
            let myObject = await self?.createMyObject(param: merchandise)
            return myObject
    guard !taskGroup.isEmpty else {
        return []
    for await myObject in taskGroup {
    return outcome

let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
maskLayer.path = path
maskLayer.fillRule = .evenOdd
maskView.layer.masks = maskLayer

When a single subpath is added utilizing addRect, a cutout from the maskView is seen. Nevertheless, when a number of subpaths are added utilizing withTaskGroup, no cutouts are seen.



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