What’s mistaken with this script?

I preserve getting a syntax error on the phrase message on line 9.

    property defaultEmailApplication : "Microsoft Outlook" -- change this to the identify of your default e mail utility

on including folder gadgets to this_folder after receiving added_items
    repeat with added_item in added_items
        inform utility "Finder"
            set file_extension to call extension of added_item
            if file_extension is "eml" then
                set file_path to quoted type of POSIX path of added_item
                inform utility defaultEmailApplication
                    set new_message to make new message with properties {seen:true}
                    set message_content to learn file file_path as «class utf8»
                    inform new_message
                        set message_subject to topic of (first message of (import message from message_content))
                        set message_body to content material of (first message of (import message from message_content))
                        set message_attachments to each mail attachment of (first message of (import message from message_content))
                        set topic to message_subject
                        set content material to message_body
                        repeat with attachment_file in message_attachments
                            make new attachment with properties {file identify:attachment_file}
                        finish repeat
                    finish inform
                finish inform
            finish if
        finish inform
    finish repeat
finish including folder gadgets to

You should
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