HomeiOS Developmentios - Firebase Realtime database observer not working in Background mode

ios – Firebase Realtime database observer not working in Background mode

I’m engaged on a chat app with the assistance of Firebase Realtime Database. When any person ship me msg it ought to replace supply report like WhatsApp, so i replace supply node on specific msgid.

So i’ve implement silent push notification for this, at any time when msg obtain in didRecieveRemoteNotification delegate the background process invoke. My code right here.

func utility(_ utility: UIApplication,
                       didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any],
                       fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult)
                         -> Void) {

//extracting right here pathStr and chatId from payload

    if (backgroundTask == UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier.invalid) {
          print("UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier invalid")
          print("UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier beginBackgroundTask")
          backgroundTask = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask { () -> Void in
             self.markAsDeliverChat(pathStr: pathStr, chatID: chatId)
             self.backgroundTask = UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier.invalid


func markAsDeliverChat(pathStr: String, chatID: String) {           
        let FIREBASE_CHAT_URL = "https://xxxxxxxxxxxx-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com/"
        let database = Database.database(url: FIREBASE_CHAT_URL).reference()
        let chatRef = database.youngster("Chat/(pathStr)")
        let question = chatRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "id").queryEqual(toValue: chatID)
        question.observeSingleEvent(of: .worth) { (snapShot) in
            guard let worth = snapShot.worth as? NSDictionary else {
                print("chat id not discovered")
            print("not reaching right here")
            /// HERE is all logic

Above Perform is working tremendous for Foreground Mode, however when i’m in background mode, the code doesn’t enter in question.observeSingleEvent. Kindly assist me. I caught right here since 3 days.



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