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ios – How can I correctly move a FocusState from an ObservableObject to a subview in SwiftUI?

Learn how to correctly move FosucState from observable class to view’s subview? I’ve tried however it’s not working correctly

I’ve a

1. enum to symbolize enter fields of login view

enum LoginInputFields {
    case e-mail
    case password

2. Reusable TextField view

struct AuthTF<FieldType: Hashable>: View {
    @State var isFocusd: Bool = false
    @Binding var textual content: String
    var focusedField: FocusState<FieldType?>.Binding
    let placeholder: String
    let leadingIconName: String
    let keyboardType: UIKeyboardType
    let submitLabel: SubmitLabel
    let fieldType: FieldType
    let onSubmit: VoidCallback
    var physique: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 0) {
            // 1. Content material
            HStack {
                // 1. Icon
                Picture(systemName: leadingIconName)
                    .foregroundColor(isFocusd ? AppColor.cWhite : AppColor.cD3D3D3)
                // 2. TF
                          textual content: $textual content,
                          onEditingChanged: { isEditing in
                    isFocusd = isEditing
                .font(Font.customized(AppFont.common.rawValue, dimension: 14))
                .centered(focusedField.projectedValue, equals: fieldType)
            .body(peak: 44)
            // 2. Divider
                .body(peak: 0.8)
                .background(isFocusd ? AppColor.cWhite : AppColor.cD3D3D3)

3. ViewModel Class

class LoginVM: ObservableObject {
    @Printed var e-mail: String = ""
    @Printed var password: String = ""
    var focusedField = FocusState<LoginInputFields?>()

4. LoginView which is login display screen utilizing reusable AuthTF view and StateObject view mannequin
Right here I’m exhibiting solely necessary traces of code

@StateObject var viewModel = LoginVM()

        VStack {
            AuthTF<LoginInputFields>(textual content: $viewModel.e-mail,
                                     focusedField: viewModel.focusedField.projectedValue,
                                     placeholder: "Electronic mail",
                                     leadingIconName: "envelope",
                                     keyboardType: .emailAddress,
                                     submitLabel: .subsequent,
                                     fieldType: LoginInputFields.e-mail,
                                     onSubmit: {
                viewModel.focusedField.wrappedValue = .password
            AuthTF<LoginInputFields>(textual content: $viewModel.password,
                                     focusedField: viewModel.focusedField.projectedValue,
                                     placeholder: "Password",
                                     leadingIconName: "key",
                                     keyboardType: .asciiCapable,
                                     submitLabel: .performed,
                                     fieldType: LoginInputFields.password,
                                     onSubmit: {
                viewModel.focusedField.wrappedValue = nil

Now I get beneath warning in LoginView the place I’ve handed viewmodel’s FocusState variable to AuthTF

enter image description here

And sure altering focus state not updating view as anticipated, as that warning says



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