HomeiOS Developmentios - Sort '_' doesn't conform to protocol Decodable / Encodable

ios – Sort ‘_’ doesn’t conform to protocol Decodable / Encodable

I am attempting to retrieve some outcomes from the iTunes API and needed to jot down a struct for the APIResponse, and have a variable of sort ‘End result’, however it does not appear to be working (and am undecided how one can go about all of it, if I ought to use a distinct sort, scrap it, and so on).

struct APIResponse: Codable {
    var apiResults: End result

struct APIResult: Codable {
    var songName: String
    var songID: Int
    var collectionName: String

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var outcomes = [APIResult]()
    func loadData() async {
        // Step 1: Creating the URL we wish to learn.
        guard let url = URL(string: "https://itunes.apple.com/search?time period=john+mayer&entity=music") else {
            print("Invalid URL")
        // Step 2: Fetching the info for the URL.
        do {
            let (information, _) = attempt await URLSession.shared.information(from: url)
            if let decodedResponse = attempt? JSONDecoder().decode(APIResponse.self, from: information) {
                outcomes = decodedResponse.apiResults
        } catch {
            print("Invalid information.")
    var physique: some View {
        Checklist(outcomes, id: .songID) { songItem in
            VStack(alignment: .main) {
                Textual content(songItem.songName).font(.headline)
                Textual content(songItem.collectionName)
        }.process {
            await loadData()

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

Am I going about it all of the utterly mistaken manner, or is it a easy repair?

I anticipated the whole lot to work, as I google’d extensively and appeared to be calling the API appropriately, however undecided what I must be doing in addition to

': End result'



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