HomeiOS Developmentios - SwiftUI Charts - Can't compile View

ios – SwiftUI Charts – Can’t compile View

I’ve a view the place I show information inside a chart with the Charts bundle in SwiftUI. Once I solely use LineMark to show my information all the things works wonderful. However after I wish to add a PointMark to this chart I get the error, that Xcode can not compile that view:

The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in cheap time; strive breaking apart the expression into distinct sub-expressions.

That is my code:

struct VoltageDataVView: View {
    @Binding var yValues: [Double]
    @Binding var voltageValues: [[[Double]]]
    @Binding var rowIndex: Double
    @Binding var rowPoint: Double
    var physique: some View {
        Chart {
            ForEach(0..<self.voltageValues.depend, id:.self) { i in
                if self.voltageValues[i].depend > 0 {
                    ForEach(0..<self.voltageValues[i][0].depend, id:.self) { j in
                            x: .worth("x1", self.yValues[j]),
                            y: .worth("y1", self.voltageValues[i][Int(self.rowIndex)][j])
                    .foregroundStyle(by: .worth("value1", i))
            PointMark(x: .worth("x-point-row", self.xValues[Int(self.rowPoint)]),
                      y: .worth("y-point-row", self.voltageValues[0][Int(self.rowIndex)][Int(self.rowPoint)]))
        .chartXScale(area: self.yValues.min()!...self.yValues.max()!)
        .chartXAxisLabel("variety of datapoints")
        .chartYAxisLabel("y values")
        .body(width: 400, peak: 300)
        .offset(y: 50)

I don’t know what I can simplify or breakdown there. What can I do to keep away from the error?



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