HomeApplemacos - Applescript - What is the path of this "button" in...

macos – Applescript – What is the path of this “button” in System Preferences (Operate Keys) / Learn how to check with Operate Keys button in code

I have been making an attempt to put in writing a script in AppleScript for making enabling and disabling Operate Keys simpler for me, however I can’t discover the trail for the Operate Keys “button” in System Preferences.

System Preferences - keyboard - shortcuts

That is the code I’ve give you to this point:

inform utility "System Settings"
finish inform

delay 0.1

inform utility "System Occasions"
    inform course of "System Settings"
        click on menu merchandise "Keyboard" of menu "View" of menu bar 1
    finish inform
finish inform

delay 0.5

inform utility "System Occasions"
    click on button 1 of group 2 of scroll space 1 of group 1 of group 2 of splitter group 1 of group 1 of window "Keyboard" of utility course of "System Settings"
finish inform

delay 0.5

inform utility "System Occasions"
    click on button ???
finish inform

This opens the “Keyboard Shortcuts…” button within the window “Keyboard”.




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